
So I spent almost one hour on Saturday, looking through the "Parenting" section in MPH, picking out random books on parenting. Then i sat down in one corner flipping through each and every one of them; discarding those that relied too much on scientific theories & written by so-called Professors who never had a child on their own.
And i ended up with this: "Loving Without Spoiling by Nancy Salamin".
It's very easy to read, practical and lots of good advices on how to phrase your sentences (cos it's all about how you say it isn't it??) And best of all, it's useful on kids from aged one through the *horror* teenage years. Worth the RM60 when it's not even hardcover.
Reading a book is not a be it,be all strategy for parenting your kiddos, there's still a lot of other factors involved, but i feel it's at least pointing me into the right direction :) Sort of like an instruction manual for newbies like me.


My parents never shaved my siblings' and mine and yet we still have super thick hair. It's all herediatry right?
we can soon sell the bumbo chair on our blogshop! what category should we put it under?
U think it'll work? Later like the shop "no focus". Semua masuk.
Maybe i should sell it off at Mudah.com.my
hehe.. keep for a while first.. you never know baby's interest change very fast.. one day, you find her smiling sitting in that seat..
and also, no worry on the hair.. my lil princess also no hair de.. hehehe..
Cynthia: haha maybe, maybe. BigB also told me to wait a bit. She might like it next time.
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