oooo..look what came in the mail, my Zoobie Pet!!!! Say hello to Mr Tortoise!! Actually it has a name, and it's called Tama. Tama the Tortoise.
Bought Tama for Peanut actually. So that they can become friends wtf.
I had it customised with Peanut's name.
Forced to become friends
It comes with a super huge blanket too, which can be zipped up into the tortoise's tummy when not in use.

I really like it, cos it can be used as a pillow, a toy and a blanket! Worth the money or wot?? Good to use especially if we're travelling somewhere. Hopefully she'll like it and will remain as her buddy until she grows up *fingers crossed*.
Wei!! quite big leh! and can customise name summore? SO COOOOOOOL!
nice one lei... where you buy ah... and look at peanut, so cute with her head up!
damn cute ok! i beh tahan had to keep the hippo one for myself. ehhehehe
I want one too....
Cynthia: got it from tiny tapir hehe
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