Saturday, April 18, 2009


Since I deleted myself off facebook yesterday, BigB has gone into facebook to see whether i'm still there or not.

Well, he can't find my profile anymore. And my name has been removed in pictures that I was tagged on before.

So yes, it works people!


Pei Chyi said...


ok nvm i still can talk to u everyday anyway without needing to poke u.

The Peanut Momster said...

wot do you mean why, i put so many reasons there wat hahha

Who is tAuRus?? said...

eh but last time also Marcus couldn't find you wat. u put some privacy settings on or something...

The Peanut Momster said...

Taurus: eh that one different, he wanted to add me on as a friend but can't find me.

This time, even though i'm already on your friend's list, you won't be able to find me. And if you have pictures tagged of me, my name will be removed as well. Eh that day i was looking at BigB's pictures, i can still see your name tagged in one of da pics.. just tat can't click on it nia

Pei Chyi said...

i know la i just saje ask WHY again mah.

Tinkerbell® said...

ehhh how you do it ya? any special settings ka?

The Peanut Momster said...

kelly:just delete yourself lor using the link in the previous post hehe

Who is tAuRus?? said...

graceeeeeeee i tried the link to delete my deactivated account but this error msg keeps coming up stating i either put in wrong password or typed the wrong security code worrr WTF WTF niama fark this fb y create so much hassle for the world! heheheh

The Peanut Momster said...

Taurusssss, i also faced that problem initially. You need to reactivate yourself first, then go to the link to delete yourself.

You cannot be "deactivated" when you click on the link.

The Peanut Momster said...

Taurus: oh and you reactivate yourself by just logging onto fb as per normal. You will be automatically reactivated.