Didn't know full moon is so much work!!!!!! Before Peanut, when people tell me about full moon, I will just assume it's a simple affair, just do a simple lunch or dinner, and that's it!! Bye bye go home!
Mana tau..
Okay the morning begins pretty routine enough, just that I have to wake up earlier on Tilam's order. As usual, I will need to have my usual cup of coffee, or else I won't be able to function. I suspect I will need a stronger brew in months to come. No more nescafe 3-in-1. BigB has it harder though, he had to deliver a couple of full moon gifts to a couple of friends. The edible full moon gifts are a must to whoever has given us a present to Peanut and us :) so thanks everyone who has given us a gift!!
Anyways....at around 10am, Peanut had her usual bath. Except that...she needs to bathe with a round smooth stone and 13 coins. Ya, have to be 13, cannot be more or less. I also dunno why la. Seems like a recurring theme that I dunno a lot of things. Anyway, the stone and coins looks like this! And the coins cannot be Malaysian coins okie. Actually I dunno why also, I said this because I didn't see any Malaysian coins.

Basically Tilam put it into Peanut's bath tub, and Peanut will have her usual bath. Em..the stone is supposed to make Peanut feel "safe" all the time, and the coins means that when she travels to other countries in future (maybe that's why there's no Malaysian coins, only foreign coins), everyone will like her. Hm...okay.
After her bath, Tilam dressed her up in new clothes and this new clothes has to be either in pink or red color. And of course after that we took lots and lots of pics. Once we're done with the pics, time to do the next phase!

Ya man, what's with the eggs??!
The eggs, ladies and gentlemen, is for good luck! Tilam sat with Peanut on the floor and then she slowly took each egg and rub it on Peanut's face, while she baca-baca some nice things for Peanut. That's a lot of eggs so this took quite a while.

Once this is done, me, the Mummy, needs to take the leftover water in the big pot and go to a big drain and throw the water away. And while throwing the water, I need to say "siew nua!!!!". Em...that means, "keep your saliva" in hokkien. And don't ask me why cos I dunno the reason. The problem is Tilam always explain all this rituals in cantonese, and I need someone to translate for me. By this time, I'm too tired and lazy to ask anyone else to translate for me anymore. Oh, did I mention that each of us need to eat an egg each too?
After this, all the relatives started pouring in for a big lunch. I think i got relatives-overdose-syndrome today. I'm totally drained out with all the requisite smiling and niceties that you are obliged to do when relatives are around. By 3pm, i was having a major backache. So painful lor!!!!! Is this the akibat of my secret showers?? or the after effects of the epidural?? Or for carrying Peanut for 9 months? Whatever it is, its a pain I never felt before man!
And this is not the end yet.
At around 3 something, we need to bring Peanut out to a place where there's a huge crowd, so that she won't be afraid of people in future. So we went to the nearest place that we could think of. Tesco! Basically we (me, Big B, and Tilam carrying Peanut) just took a short walk in Tesco. I think we were in and out within 5 minutes.
Once that is done, me and BigB went out to deliver the last of the full moon packs to Pei Chyi & Christine and that's it!!!!!!!!! Such a long day man!! I'm all tired out!
The end!
After this, all the relatives started pouring in for a big lunch. I think i got relatives-overdose-syndrome today. I'm totally drained out with all the requisite smiling and niceties that you are obliged to do when relatives are around. By 3pm, i was having a major backache. So painful lor!!!!! Is this the akibat of my secret showers?? or the after effects of the epidural?? Or for carrying Peanut for 9 months? Whatever it is, its a pain I never felt before man!
And this is not the end yet.
At around 3 something, we need to bring Peanut out to a place where there's a huge crowd, so that she won't be afraid of people in future. So we went to the nearest place that we could think of. Tesco! Basically we (me, Big B, and Tilam carrying Peanut) just took a short walk in Tesco. I think we were in and out within 5 minutes.
Once that is done, me and BigB went out to deliver the last of the full moon packs to Pei Chyi & Christine and that's it!!!!!!!!! Such a long day man!! I'm all tired out!
The end!
Thanks for the yummy food!! the ginger chicken is SLURPSSsssss
we kept the big drumstick for tonite's dinner kekekekekeke
ok, this Tilam is starting to freak me out with all her rules and rituals. You sure u didn't pay her extra?
thank you so much for the full moon package. wanted to tell you don't need to go through all the trouble but had a feeling that there's a ritual you have to adhere to. hehehe!
i know that each family member has to eat the eggs but didn't know about bathing in coins and with stone (isn't that a little unhygienic unless tilam "anti-bacterialised" the coins properly). hehehe! to cut the story short, your tilam sure has lots of pantang man. if me also won't understand the logic behind everything!
*Faint again...Poor Eva with all the eggs being rolled over her
eh super cina lorr i read until... kekekek
confinement rituals are different according to different dialects..urs sound like hakka? super a lot of rituals :P
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