Thursday, April 2, 2009

And you thought...

there's no more rules after confinement month??

No lor, there's plenty more!!! So have you heard before that:

a) You can't eat yam within 100 days after confinement? Cos your "down there" will be itchy. Unfortunately, i like yam. So yeah, have to tahan.
b) You can't eat pineapples either but I dunno for what reason cos I don't like pineapples so I didn't care to find out.
c) You can't drink cold drinks for at least another 10 days after confinement month? Bye bye icy cold coke light ( i miss you so much), and hate you, _________ <-- insert all the hot drinks that i've been consuming for the past one month.
d) No sex within 100 days after confinement.
e) Children can't kiss babies on the face, cos it'll delay their speech??
f) Babies can't wear shoes for the first year of their lives.

wat la, so many rules


Pei Chyi said...

ok i've heard about the babies can't wear shoes but i don't know what's the lame la!!!

Tinkerbell® said...

hahaha i kenot tahan la when see peanut face... super duper cute...

Who is tAuRus?? said...

erm, i erm.. kind of kissed eva at the hospital *shy*

The Peanut Momster said...

PC: oh keke, okay i got that cleared up. Delays in their walking apparently.
Kelly:hehe She's got the "huh" look
Taurus: children, Taurus, children! haha

Pei Chyi said...

delay their walking?? oh puhleese! if i see a uber cute shoe i don't care i'm getting it for Eva

Josie said...

Taurus is a child anyway but ya-lo...keep the pantang rolling. It gets interesting each time.

kiLikiNa said...

i betahan tilam's rules lar but they're really interesting to read. the pineapples because pineapples will "injure" your organs inside.