Babies' face sure do change very fast. They seems to look different week by week.
Taken at 2 weeks
Taken at 3 weeks

At full moon. poor little botak fella. Kena pressured to shave his hair off. I miss his hair so much...and its not true when they say shaving baby's hair off will make it thicker. It's almost 3 months now and Baby D's hair is still so little and it's not even!!!!

Not so happy face. He's a pretty serious baby. I've yet to capture any picture of him smiling.

Told ya he's serious looking. And he's got a funny belly button. It's an outie, not an innie.
he does look alike cheh cheh ya! No worry, the hair will grow eventually...
Cyn: they do look a bit alike..hehe but he has single eyelid nia. Yah now waiting for the hair to grow..and it's not growing thicker like what ppl say will happen haha
It has been awhile since i catch up on reading blogs and it's great news to read your new bundle of joy here.. (:
He's quite a handsome one..
Pheng: Thanks hehe!!
Such a serious face! Put him next to the hubster when he is working, I bet they have the same expression. *mad love*
josie: yah indeed. Photocopy / chop the muka the same haha
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