Super backdated..
We celebrated Peanut's birthday amongst family in March. Got her a Minnie Mouse cake, since she's the biggest fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She even requests for me to download it on YouTube so she can watch the same episode over and over again. Thank God for the Playhouse Disney Channel; I don't think I can live without it now! It acts as my babysitter when i got things to do around the house :) .

yes yes, i'm aware she still has little hair but it's growing!! *defensive

On her birthday itself, both DH and me took the day off from work so we can celebrate together, just the three of us. Great day, i love it we should do this more often! We woke up late, and went for an early lunch at Bangsar Village. Then off we went off to Kidz Sport, where she can create havoc and play all she wants inside. Best thing about this gym is that it only cost RM10 per entrance, there's no one around except for maybe another kid or two, very clean and there's a toddler area which means older kids won't be bumping into your teeny kid at all. She loves the slides and the mini see saw..And oh, you need to make sure both you and your kid has a pair of socks. Good idea, i hate the smell of smelly feet!

After we were done, went off to a cafe for some tea time. Ordered some cakes and a babycino for her, which she loves. It's essentially just steamed milk with chocolate powder on top but she enjoyed it thoroughly. I guess it made her feel like a grown up haha I don't allow her to hold the cup though. Her hands are still not steady enough. Confirm will spill!

finally i see the Minnie Mouse cake! eh the lady really good at recreating the cartoon character hor?? don't look "fake" at all!
Yah the lady is really keng. My in laws were damn impressed with the likeness of minnie and the meticulousness of the icing heheh
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