i get very down, emotional, bordering on depression almost once a month, and it can last for a few days. Just as it comes suddenly, it goes away easily too. I had a bout of the "attack" a couple of days ago. I called it "attack" because there's no other words to describe it. I feel really down, sad, for no apparent reason, and i feel really negative as if the world is closing on me. That nothing seems right. These are the times when i need people around me physically. Just to be there so i don't feel so alone.
Strange eh? I'm usually a very happy person so I hate it when this happens and I feel like shit. And i can only blame it on one thing. PMS! Just two nights ago, I told DH while we were lying in bed I think I'm gonna get my period soon cos i feel down. And my guess is right when my period came today. PMS is real and I'm glad it only happens once a month. Once it's over, i feel like singing again and screaming I love life! wtf
Eh same here. Sometimes I can almost cry for no reason hahah
Taurus: yaloh hahaah me too!!! Like wanna cry too. super emo or wat! heheeh
hi-5 PMS is real o-rait!
i had an episode last week i cried becos i felt fat.
then i looked at myself and hey, i am fat.
Then period + 1 giant pimple came like the next day. FML
PC: Your weight slowly falling off liaw you can do it!!! hheheeh
when i was in high school, i tot PMS is just an excuse for women to get emo haha
Sama gang with you.. but pity my hubby doesn't seem to understand when i am in this mood...
Leona: i think men usually won't notice unless we highlight to them hoh. I have to "tell" DH that i'm feeling very emo / down so that he will be mentally prepared for my sudden tears hahah
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