Peichyi is now 5 months preggers (Eee i'm so excited for her!) so she's been doing loads of research on baby stuff. And this week it's on baby bottles. Every new moms out there will know that there are tons of choices out there for everything: from cloth diapers, to bottles, to strollers to breast pumps. I had a headache last time choosing things for Peanut, cos everything has its pros and cons, no?
Anyway, Peichyi asked me about glass bottles today, and coincidentally I have just started using it. Actually, I bought these glass bottles way before Peanut was born, but since we also bought the Avent sterilliser and it comes with free bottles, we've been using those instead..
So..let me see. As i've said, everything has its pros and cons, so let's start with the pros first.
- It's probably gonna last you a lifetime provided you don't break it.
- Guaranteed no nasty plastic chemicals will leach into the milk. Very safe!
- You don't need to change your bottles every few months.
- Very easy to clean.
- it's breakable.
- Heavy
- Markings on the bottle not tat clear
- Small opening

Despite all these, I'm still going continue to use the glass bottles because it's safer lor.. So there you have it, my take on glass bottles! :)
eee thankiu thankiu sooper informative!! i guess glass bottles are like more long term too!
Peanut looks like she doesn't mind holding 'em!!
Peichyi: she can't hold it for long lor hehehh will fall to one side after a while keke
Cute bottle!~
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