And she's getting to be quite a handful, cos she won't sit still and needs constant supervision. She'll practically grab everything in her sight. My hair, my mobile phone, my glasses, my camera strap, the newspaper, everything la!! She's like the tasmanian devil cos she destroys everything in her path haha. But she's still my little sunflower and i love her so much!

her head sooper round ok! can be best friends with Amelia! but not bad leh, she can sit there and let you take photos of her without trying to grab ur camera while u're at it. hehehe
Taurus: eh got wor she kept grabbing at my camera, the strap, everything. I have to quickly take the pic kekekeke
eh eh she use the sippy cup oredy ha??
and she still can make those "huh" and "i'm innocent" expressions
Peichyi: ya she can use already. But the flow quite i have to be quite careful with that lor.
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