Anyways..Luckily the clinic was quite empty when we went there. I like this clinic. The pedaetrician seems knowledgeable, it's very clean cos no shoes are allowed, everywhere is spotless and there's an air purifier. Sangat bagus. Unfortunately i think Peanut finally recognised the doctor, cos she was smiling at the doc when she entered, however when we put her on the bed and the doc touched her legs, she started wailing. I guess she knows the doc is gonna inject her? I wonder why doctors inject at babies' thighs. Less painful issit? But as usual, she didn't cry much; i think she cried for about 20 secs. Phew. *wipes sweat off forehead*
Also asked the doc a couple of things since she's starting solids soon. Basically, doc says not to give those pureed baby food that you can find in the supermarkets cos there's too much preservatives; also no juices from there as well. Everything must be au nautrale. Guess it's time for me to whip out my apron and start making food. And no eggs, shellfish and seafood other than fish before 1 years old. And no honey too. And we need to give the same kind food to Peanut for at least 4 days in a stretch, so that if she develops an allergy, we know where the source is from. Hm...quite a number of things to remember.
I guess that's it for now. Time to trawl the internet for recipe ideas. Leaving you all off with her botak self doing her favorite activity.

this is when the paste maker that my mum bought come handy and useful.. it's pureed the porridge that I cook with the carrots, beetroot and others.. very convenient.. and useful..
Cynthia: eeee tell me what brand and where to buy ..cos i'm seriously really looking for one now.
i'm drooling also looking at her cutey pics everytime!
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