Waking up at 9am is a luxury for me which is what I did today. I could have stayed on in bed longer, but i could feel Peanut's jammies was a bit wet, so no choice, had to bathe and feed her. And we jumped back into bed after that!! It's a Saturday, so I try to "sleep in" by just chillaxing (new word i learned from the office, not good not good hate this word actually)..playing with Peanut, read my book, drink some coffee, channel surf, log onto twitter, basically lazing in bed till BigB wakes up at 12pm. Loves it.
Had to go to Bangsar today to return my books. Begining this year, i have started to rent my books instead of buying them, cos recession mah, have to save money. Books not cheap yo! I could have bought a mobile phone with the amount of money i spent on books last year. And BigB has been complaining about them cos it's taking too much space.
Anyway, i love this little book store. It's crammed with books, all kinds, and really up to date, and they stock up on books that I would really buy from Borders. Loads of chick-lits, biographies, historical, thrillers. And there's this really helpful lady who always recommends books that I really like. I think me and her can gel la wtf. *found new friend*
It's not those kind of rent-a-book store that only rents out comics and those romance books with pictures of hunks and damsel in distress types. I really hate those kind of books. Eeeeeshhhhiwww...Who reads them wey??!

Stopped at D'lish after. Must bring Peanut out somewhere once in a while. Don't want her to be anti-social (*cough* like her mother) in future.

It's now 10:50pm. Peanut is sleeping. BigB is watching Wanted. Again. What is with him and watching the same movies over and over again?? Not sien one meh?? Got action scene also not so action anymore, cos you know that person is gonna get killed.
I'm trying to get him to bring me a cup of milo. or coke light. And something to munch. *hungry leh* Wish me luck!
I'm trying to get him to bring me a cup of milo. or coke light. And something to munch. *hungry leh* Wish me luck!
weh i have a marian keyes book which i bot like yonkers ago in Melbourne called Sushi for Beginners. u can have it if u want to. her writing skills quite farnee lorrrr
eh that pic of peanut surprised really look surprised leh!! can submit to asianposes.com under the surprised category.
eee i want to cubit!
PC: PCcccccccccc i read all of her books already!! So no need la hehe Peanut's expression more like shocked leh. hahahah
after 2 tulan posts, see something happy here hoh... and look at peanut! she is so cute!!! D'lish? I must go too.. been not entering these places over the last few months... hehe :) Happy Sunday!
then u can submit entry for shocked look on asianposes.com
@Gracekonks I want to know where is the bookshop then I also can go borrow book and not add on to the already huge book collection I have
Grace, where's this book store la? i have been trying to look for this kind of book store neh... the only book store i know can rent books is Central Market and i kinda reluctant to go that area neh...
Josie & Kelly: it's at Lucky Garden, behind TMC Supermarket. It's called City Book Rentals, and right smack between a mini-mart and a hairdresser / barber kinda shop..
Oh oh I know that bookstore! I used to rent that Fear 13th or whatever shit series from them! hahahahah can either keep the book (as in buy from them) or return rite? keekkek
Taurus: yeah, fear street! heheehh ya, u can keep it la if u dun want to return it. They'll just keep your deposit.
yea i also dun understand why men can watch same action movie over and over again.
Leona: he watched 3 movies over the weekend. And all 3 movies he watched before. *tulan*
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