Talking about my weight, i think my fats have become cement inside me. Immovable, irregardless of how little rice i'm eating. Siens seriously, but i shall not give up! *full of determination*
Wah i'm typing on the bed now, feeling so sleepy. How like this?? Every day i come home i'll feel so tired, shoulders aching, eyes wanna droop to sleep, probably from sitting in front of the computer far too long. I need a seriously. damn. good.massage!!! STAT! Sigh. Anyway, i just bought a bag online. Can somebody stop me?? I think i have an addiction. Need to go to some online-shopaholics-anonymous group.
Watever. A post is never a post without some pictures of

Most people (99% la actually) will say Peanut resembles BigB more. But look at her left eye!!! Got double eyelid okay!! Just like mine. Never mind the fact that her other eye is single-lid but at least one little part of her looks like me *tears of joy running down cheeks*
okie need to attend to Peanut. Bye everybody!!
okie need to attend to Peanut. Bye everybody!!
Eh she's so cute lorr.. very smiley. I think be an Ah Pui when young ok ma. cute cute all the way!!!
eh ah pui so pinkish cheeks one. u put blusher for her ah?
She has ur eyes!!! Oh wait, you said that at the end of post, hahaha. So Cute-lo! Pray July fast-fast come then u can bring her over my place then I can camwhore with her :)
eh i actually she resembles you lar..last 2 some of your features heh
she's beautiful and adorable`````
I am here for the first time.. and a beautiful girl!
thanks everyone for the nice comments :)
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