So I decided to dress her up in various outfits, sorta like a mini fashion show. I felt like a kid again when i used to dress up my dolls.
Anyway, luckily she was pretty cooperative, and managed to give me some smiles when i pointed the camera at her and kept on going "Smileeeeeeeee Eeeeeeeevaaaaa, Smileeeeeeeee!!!!" repeatedly. I think she was quite beh song with me by the end of the day.
Taurus gave Peanut this really cute tutu dress she bought from HK (click to enlarge)
Different hairbands (click to enlarge)
And for the first time in Peanut's life, we decided to give her a manicure! Her fingernails are pretty long at this point as it's never been cut since she was born. Doctor said her fingernails are pretty soft and will break off by itself so we didn't have to cut, but we cannot stand looking at it as it's getting longer especially her pinky finger.. like those ah bengs with their long pinky fingers kind, And she always managed to scratch her face when her mittens are off leaving tiny scratch marks on her face.
BigB decided to do the job since i'm such a scaredy cat.. I'm scared I'll cut her flesh ok!
Stoning while her fingernails are being cut

3rd outfit
She was pretty tired out after her 3rd outfit, smiling lesser and zoning out. But nothing her favorite pillow couldn't cure!

beh song already

She's so cute!!!
Damn cute wey.. some more she's so smiley! heheehh
she's such an angel can i keep her for 1 day??
Pei Chyi you can take her any day you want!!
haha so sporting
thanks everybody!! except you BigB!!!
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